Various Types of Locks
it is true that the type of locks
you have on your doors matters.
There are some locks that are known
for their level of durability and
We depend on our home locks to keep intruders from coming in and harming us or simply taking what belongs to us. Locks are how we protect our home and our loved ones from harm. The only way that you will be able to successfully do this is by making sure you have durable locks installed on exterior doors of your home. When you have weak or worn out locks, it makes it easier for a thief to gain access into your home. You can make getting inside your home difficult for someone who has not received your authorization to enter.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because you have well-known, manufacturer brand locks that they are any better than a less known lock. The difference in the locks is usually due to the metals used to design them. This doesn’t matter which manufacturer brand it is. Some companies are better known than others simply because the manufacturer has decided to use much of their funds on advertising. A less known brand may choose to use their funds to build a better lock. So again, just because you are not familiar with one particular brand doesn’t mean that it isn’t a good, durable lock. You can always consult with a locksmith to find out the durability level of a particular lock that you are considering having installed on your homes exterior doors.
How Locks Operate
It can be helpful to know the exact mechanics of your locks when you are trying to determine which locks to have installed on your doors. One of the most widely used types of locks is a doorknob lock. It’s easy to install and can be used for both interior and exterior doors. An experienced locksmith would be able to help you find the best ones suited for your interior door and your exterior doors.
Here are some additional types of locks that you might consider having installed:
Lever Tumbler Lock: This lock has a bolt on the inside of it that will only move when the correct key is installed.
Pin Tumbler Lock: This requires that a set of pins is properly aligned along with the locking mechanism. If you do not insert the correct key into the lock, the pins will not line up correctly and thus it will not enable the locking mechanism to disengage the lock. In fact, if they don’t line up, you will be unable to lock or unlock the lock mechanism.
Warded Locks: Like the other locks, if the incorrect key is put in the lock, the ward will keep it from opening up. The right key has to be inserted into the wards in order for the lock to disengage.
Digital or Electronic Locks
Another very popular option today is electronic locks. They are popular due to their level of convenience. Many people are willing to pay more for convenience and this is no different when it comes to locks. You are able to use an electronic lock without a key. In most cases all you have to do is enter a predetermined code into a keypad installed outside of your home. If you are the type of person who appreciates convenience, there is no doubt that you’ll appreciate the level of convenience that is offered to you through the use of an electronic lock. Another appeal to the electronic lock is that they are less likely to be compromised. Since there is no key to be stolen or duplicated, it is unlikely that someone will be able to break in.
Below is a list of some of the most widely used and well-known electronic locks offered today:
Push Button Lock: This is one of the easiest locks to use. Your lock will have a code and when entered correctly, the lock will open. Some push buttons locks operate with the use of an internal motor and others use a magnet, which activates its locking mechanism. It’s very easy to program a push button lock, which makes it a good option for those who are looking for ease of use and convenience.
Fingerprint Lock: This is also a very popular option. Not only is the fingerprint lock a good option for homeowners but it first gained popularity with business owners. The fingerprint lock uses a person’s fingerprint to identify them. If your fingerprint hasn’t been programmed into the keypad then it is unlikely that you will be able to gain access. This type of lock is called a biometric lock where it uses specific features of a person to identify them. Once properly identified then the person will be able to unlock the locking mechanism. This is a highly effective lock!