Why You Should Have a Gun Safe
you are a gun owner, you need a gun
safe. Yes, you read that right! You
NEED a gun safe. You might think that
you are a responsible gun owner but
truth be told, if you’re gun isn’t
kept in a gun safe, you’re not as responsible
as you think. If you know that you
are not a very responsible person,
it’s never too late. Take matters into
your own hands and act responsibly
by storing your firearms in a gun safe.
You can actually help prevent guns
from getting into the wrong hands.
There are plenty of good reasons to keep your gun in a gun safe and here are some of them.
Keeping Them from Thieves
If a burglar were to get into your home and notice that you have a gun, chances are that they will take them. They may want to sell them on the streets because they realize just how valuable they are to someone on the streets. A thief usually realizes that someone who has a criminal background can’t purchase a gun legally. This means that they will put fillers out on the streets to see if anyone is selling guns under the table. This is big business and that is why it’s important to keep your gun in a safe. There is a good chance that if your gun is discovered that it will also be stolen.
Reduce Your Liability
Now, lets fast forward it and suppose someone did get their hands on your gun. Suppose your gun was used in burglary and someone was hurt. Guess who would be the prime suspect. You! Yes, since your gun is registered to you, the authorities would look for you first. If you don’t want to take the chance of the authorities coming after you for something that you didn’t do, protect yourself by keeping your gun in a safe.
Increased Safety & Security
You’re able to keep your children and others safe from the potential harm that could come to them if they were to get a hold of your gun. You are also protected if someone were to break into your home and find your gun. They may want to use your gun to get out without your calling the police. In doing so they may shoot at you and instead of missing, they may actually hit you. This wouldn’t happen if you were to keep the gun locked away. If someone breaks in and your gun is in a safe, they can’t harm you or anyone else.
Having your gun in a safe also gives you quick access to it. If you need it in the event of an intrusion, you wouldn’t have to look all over for something to protect yourself with because you’ll know exactly where your gun is located.
Keep Out of Hands of Children
Let’s face it, children are curious. We were all little once and we know that we were also very curious. You can prevent this tragedy from occurring by purchasing a gun safe and keeping the gun safely locked away.
You Are Protecting Your Rights
Yes, believe it or not, you are actually protecting your rights as a gun owner by keeping your gun in a safe. Activists claim that guns are a threat to society (the general public). They don’t believe that anyone should be able to own a gun. If someone were able to get a hold of your gun and use it, you would be contributing to proving their claim. It is even worse when a child is harmed by a stolen gun or accidentally shot by one. Your 2nd Amendment rights are called into question whenever guns are used in a way that cause harm to others. Protect your rights by making sure you’re doing your part by keeping your gun in a safe.
Cheaper Insurance Premiums
You read that correctly. You could be offered cheaper rental insurance if you act responsibly by keeping your gun in a safe. Now, not every insurance company offers you this but there are enough that you shouldn’t have a problem finding one. Just call around to find out what the exact requirements are for you to obtain less expensive insurance. Not every type of safe will qualify and that is why you will have to check with the insurance company that you choose to make sure they offer this to their customers.
No matter what you decide to do, you can be sure that you’ll be better off by having your gun in a safe.